Monday, June 07, 2010

Her chest is closed

I have been very slack over the last few days and haven't been writing purely because we have just been waiting till today to have Raphaela's chest closed. It didn't happen as planned on Friday as she was still carrying too much fluid around her little tum tum. This would have caused too much pressure on her heart and lungs if they had of closed it so the decision was made to wait till Monday.

So once again, Yves came into the ICU and operated on our little girl. He washed out her chest cavity, changed her central line to her groin and finally closed her chest up. Raffy is looking a bit pale now but her oxygen sats have improved a great deal even though they reduced her drugs. Her blood pressure could be a bit better but the next 48 hours is critical for her and she is going to be sedated and muscle relaxed so hopefully it will start improving after that time.

Her next hurdle is to reduce her drugs even more then start the weaning off the ventilator. One day I might actually be able to give her a cuddle again!!!!

I got to take a quick trip home last night to catch up with Fred and the kids. Gosh it was good and the staff here even commented on how much better I looked after a good nights sleep. (They only have single beds in Ronald McDonald House for some reason so I haven't been sleeping the best whilst I am staying here). But the biggest surprise was waking up this morning to a cup of tea and poached egg on toast for breakfast. Thanks Fred ;)

We are currently on Day 13 of our PICU stay and I am hanging out to be moved up to the ward. I feel useless at the moment as I am not confident enough to even change Raffy's nappy because of all the drainage tubes coming out of everywhere. All I can do is sit there and pat her head or the top of her arm as they are the only bit free at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Gaylene, great news!! hopefully she is feeling better today and I'm glad to hear that you've had some rest. take care, V
