Monday, June 14, 2010

Up and down

Raphaela has been going up and down the last few days. Her chest and PD drains were taken out on Saturday and she was doing extremely well. The sedation and the ventilator were both being reduced and the adrenaline and noradrenaline had both been turned off completely. They were even talking of taking her off the ventilator and putting her on CPAP the following day.

Unfortunately she took a turn for the worse on Saturday night. Her tummy swelled up again which made them put her back on the noradrenaline and turn up the ventilator as her blood pressure was going crazy. Her feeds were also stopped. I was so disappointed when I went in Sunday morning to find this out as I feel we are going nowhere at the moment. The PD drain was re-inserted not long after I got there. Luckily they managed to put it back in the same hole it came out of so at least that is one less scar for her. Raffy remained stable for the rest of the day which is good.

This morning was a new day and the weaning process has started all over again. So once again the sedation, ventilator and noradrenaline have all been getting reduced throughout the day. She is tolerating this very well. The PD drain is still in and will stay in for a few more days so we don't get the same problem again. I even managed to convince the doctor to let her start on feeds. Once again she is starting at 2mls per hour but I am just happy that she is getting anything at all.

Fingers crossed she has a brilliant night tonight and that each new day brings us closer to moving up to the ward.


  1. sending much love and strength to you. Xx

  2. Hang in there Hez, she looks like a little fighter! Congratulations once again, you are a great mum! Don't forget to look after you. :) hugs from Janine, Tim, Jett and Chase xxx
