Wednesday, June 02, 2010

More bumps in the road

Well after being on such a high yesterday, I was bought back down to earth at lunch time today. Because Raffy had been on ECMO for 6.5 days, she has an infection in her blood caused by the blood going through all the plastic tubing for so long. This can be treated with antibiotics but it will delay her recovery.

On top of that, last night they were having trouble with her central line so the doctor in charge tried to insert a new one in her leg. Apparently they couldn't get it in and now she has a clot in her leg so they have upped her dose of Heparin to try and dissolve it.

The doctors are also worried about her being on morphine for so long and the associated withdrawal symptoms so they are going to be putting her on a new drug (can't remember the name of it) which will also allow them to hopefully stop the muscle relaxants as well.

For some reason her blood pressure will drop every so often which causes her oxygen sats to drop which in turn means they increase her dose of Noradrenalin for a short time. We are all hoping this irons itself out sooner rather than later.

Tomorrow is the day they decide if they will be closing her chest or not. I have my fingers crossed that they will but I won't be too disappointed if they don't as she is still obviously having some issues.

On a lighter note, to any S&P'ers reading this, the pram spotting at the hospital is very dismal. I have seen a few Cammy's, a few MB's, some Baby Joggers and a Dazzle. There are lots and lots of Valco's, Steelcrafts, Beema's and cheap umbrella strollers though.


  1. Hey Gaylene - thanks so much for sharing the journey of your brave little girl. I love the photos - she is just beautiful. All the best. Annabel

  2. Oh Gaylene, thanks for the little S&P reference it made me smile through the tears. Your amazing to be handling all of this so well.
    Love and Kisses Mel xxx

  3. Gaylene, Please if you need anything let me know My Dh works for Melbourne Health in the stores and Delivers to the RCH every day so he can drop anything you need if you need it. Raphaela is a Beautiful little girl stay strong little girl, Your family is in our prayers Luv Bronwyn xoxoxox
